May 25, 2012

Jungian Shadow-Illustrative

"Everything that man should, and yet cannot, be or do- be it in a positive or negative sense - lives on as a mythological figure and anticipation alongside his consciousness, either as a religious projection or-what is still more dangerous-as unconscious contents which then project themselves spontaneously into incongruous objects, e.g., hygienic and other "salvationist" doctrines or practices. All these are so many rationalized substitutes for mythology, and their unnaturalness does more harm than good."--"The Psychology of the Child Archetype" (1940). In CW 9, Part I: The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious. P.287

More quotes on the Jungian shadow:

The Cake is NOT a Lie-Infographic

This is an infographic I made for my Design for Motion class. The theme for this assignment was alchemy. I came up with the concept of mixing ingredients for drinks and then discovered that there were cocktails based off the game Portal.

May 3, 2012

Fangtasia Promo

This project had the concept of love. I chose to explore the more lustful side of love. I had been watching a True Blood marathon and was inspired to create a promo for the vampire bar from the show, Fangtasia. I imagine this piece being a stop motion and the type embroiding itself into the black pleather and red satin. At the moment I only have "Fangtasia" embroided but I definitely plan on going back to do the rest.

Sniper Infographic

For this project I had to use a Naive/Modernist style. I was given the concept of hunter/gatherer. I thought of the most dangerous game--humans, and who hunts humans. My brainstorming lead me to snipers. So my thought for this board is an infographic explaining what snipers do and what it all entails. I imagine the piece to be quite long so these frames depict the beginning of the piece.